Tuesday, April 21, 2009

George Cheney

Received his Ph.D from Purdue University
Cheney has taught at many universities, but now teaches at the University of Utah.
His research interests include identity and power in organizations, workplace, and workers rights.
To read more on George Cheney you can visit his site:

Phillip K. Tompkins

  • Professor Emeritus of Communication and Comparative Literature at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
  • Received his Ph.D in Organizational Communications from Purdue University in 1962.
  • He is well known for his theories of organizational identification and “concertive” control.

You can read more about his career and read a presentation he did in 2005 by visiting this site.


Fred Jablin

Received his Ph.D. in 1977 from Purdue University.

He is famous for wroting the Handbook for Organizational Communication in 1987.

He is also well known for being the theorist who came up with the Socialization / Assimilation in Organizations Theory.

You can learn more about this theory by visiting this website.


Tragically, he was murdered at his home in Virginia in 2004.

You learn more about the life and tragic death of Fred Jablin by visiting this website.


Juergen Habermas

Was born Dusseldorf in 1929.

His works stretch from social political theory to aesthetics and language to philosophy of religion.

He is considered one of the most influential philosophers in the world today.

Here is a link to the Stanford University Encyclopedia where you can learn more about the work and life of Juergen Habermas.


Edward T. Hall

  • Anthropology
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Intercultural Relation

Received his PHD from Columbia University in 1942.

Directed Communications research project where he studied nonverbal communication from 1959 to 1963.

He has taught a number of universities.

Here is a link to the personal website of Edward T. Hall.


George Herbert Mead

Born 1863 and died 1931. He is now considered the “Godfather” of Symbolic Interactionism in sociology and social psychology.

Here is a link to link to a site where you can find more about Mead’s life and work.

Stanley Deetz

Stanley Deetz is a professor of Communications and Director of Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
He wrote several books, which you can learn more about on his home page.